
Kubeify partners with DevOps leaders to provide you with the most valuable content. Check out our upcoming online webinars, meet us in person at event or Meetup, or watch one of our on-demand videos.

Webinar: Getting Started with Docker and Kubernetes Part 2
Presented by Dinesh Yadav CTO at RazorOps on SAT 06 JUNE, 2020

1. We have talked about advance objects in Kubernetes.
2. Ways to apply Kuberneytes obkect on local machine
3. Demo Application Deployed using kubernets on local machine

Webinar: Getting Started with Docker and Kubernetes Part 1
Presented by Dinesh Yadav CTO at RazorOps on SAT 16 MAY, 2020

1. We have talked about what is Docker and Kubernetes
2. Ways to start Docker and Kuberneytes on local machine
3. Advantages of Docker and Kubernetes

Webinar: Getting Started with Cloud Native DevOps
Presented by Shyam Mohan on SAT 25 APR, 2020

1. We have talked about what is DevOps, and Cloud Native DevOps.
2. Ways to Implement Cloud Native DevOps.
3. Advantages of Cloud Native DevOps.
4. Cloud Native DevOps Process & tools.

CNCF Webinar: Kubernetes Security Best Practices for DevOps
Connor Gorman, Principal Engineer @StackRox March 11, 2020
Presented by StackRox

Join us for a discussion around Kubernetes security challenges and best practices. You will learn how to:
* stay on top of ongoing Kubernetes hygiene by hardening your nodes, employing RBAC best practices, etc.
* secure your production workloads
* thwart an attack, with a live demo

CNCF Project Webinar: A Conversation about Helm 3
Bridget Kromhout, Principal Program Manager @Microsoft, Matt Butcher, Principal Software Engineer @Microsoft, Matt Fisher, Software Engineer @Microsoft, and Taylor Thomas, Senior Software Engineer @Microsoft January 14, 2020

Helm 3 is here! Sounds exciting, but what does it mean for you? Join us for a conversation with Helm maintainers; we’ll talk through the biggest changes, discuss the most..

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